مدرسة ابا الاعدادية بنات فى ظل الجودة

نواتج تعلم اولى اعدادى انجليزى 613623
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا
او التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي
سنتشرف بتسجيلك
شكرا نواتج تعلم اولى اعدادى انجليزى 829894
ادارة المنتدي نواتج تعلم اولى اعدادى انجليزى 103798

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

مدرسة ابا الاعدادية بنات فى ظل الجودة

نواتج تعلم اولى اعدادى انجليزى 613623
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا
او التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي
سنتشرف بتسجيلك
شكرا نواتج تعلم اولى اعدادى انجليزى 829894
ادارة المنتدي نواتج تعلم اولى اعدادى انجليزى 103798

مدرسة ابا الاعدادية بنات فى ظل الجودة

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
مدرسة ابا الاعدادية بنات فى ظل الجودة

مدرسة اباالاعدادية للبنات فىظل الجودة تهتم بكل ماهو جديد فى العلم والمعرف والثقافة والرياضة ومختلف العلوم والكنولوجيا وكل ما هو عصرى ومفيد فى التربية والتعليم

رؤية المدرسة : اعداد طالبة قادرة على التعلم المستمر ولديها القدرة على التعامل مع تكنولوجياالعصر وتكون مهيأة للمراحل التعليمية العليا
رسالة المدرسة 1- تنمية مهارات الحاسب الالى لدى جميع الطالبات 2- تفعيل دور المشاركة المجتمعية 3- تفعيل دور الانشطة 4-توعية الطالبات صحيا وثقافيا 5- الاهتمام بالطالبات الموهوبات والمتفوقات وضعاف المستوى 6- الهتمام ببرامج الخدمة العامة 7- التنمية المهنية المستدامة للمعلم 8- تدريب المعلمين والمتعلمات على اسلوب حل المشكلات.
إيمانا من المدرسة بمشاركتها للمجتمع المحلي فهي تفتح أبوابها لمحو أمية الكبار وكذللك دورات تدريبية مجانا لدورة ال ICDL
تعلن مدرسة ابا الاعدادية بنات عن تسخير معداتها وكمبيوتراتها وملعبها ومكتبتها لخدمتكم فى النادى الصيفى

المواضيع الأخيرة

» مشكلة التسرب الاسباب والعلاج
نواتج تعلم اولى اعدادى انجليزى Icon_minitimeالسبت مارس 28, 2015 3:41 am من طرف ramiramo

» ابحاث اجرائية
نواتج تعلم اولى اعدادى انجليزى Icon_minitimeالسبت نوفمبر 10, 2012 1:00 pm من طرف وليد العارضه

» صور امتحانات الكادر للعقود المميزة
نواتج تعلم اولى اعدادى انجليزى Icon_minitimeالأربعاء مارس 10, 2010 6:22 pm من طرف Admin

» الوزير مد مدة التقدم لطلبة الثانوية 10ايام
نواتج تعلم اولى اعدادى انجليزى Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء مارس 09, 2010 2:46 pm من طرف Admin

» صرف الكادر لكل من دخل الامتحان ونجح
نواتج تعلم اولى اعدادى انجليزى Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء مارس 09, 2010 2:39 pm من طرف Admin

» خطة المؤسسة لخدمة لمجتمع المحلى
نواتج تعلم اولى اعدادى انجليزى Icon_minitimeالإثنين مارس 08, 2010 5:56 am من طرف حسن محمود

» خطة خدمة المجتمع
نواتج تعلم اولى اعدادى انجليزى Icon_minitimeالإثنين مارس 08, 2010 4:08 am من طرف استاذجيزاوى

» شكر خاص لرجل الاعمال الاستاذ محمد حتة
نواتج تعلم اولى اعدادى انجليزى Icon_minitimeالسبت مارس 06, 2010 7:03 pm من طرف استاذجيزاوى

» انجازات المدرسة
نواتج تعلم اولى اعدادى انجليزى Icon_minitimeالسبت مارس 06, 2010 11:14 am من طرف حسن محمود

المواضيع الأخيرة

» مشكلة التسرب الاسباب والعلاج
نواتج تعلم اولى اعدادى انجليزى Icon_minitimeالسبت مارس 28, 2015 3:41 am من طرف ramiramo

» ابحاث اجرائية
نواتج تعلم اولى اعدادى انجليزى Icon_minitimeالسبت نوفمبر 10, 2012 1:00 pm من طرف وليد العارضه

» صور امتحانات الكادر للعقود المميزة
نواتج تعلم اولى اعدادى انجليزى Icon_minitimeالأربعاء مارس 10, 2010 6:22 pm من طرف Admin

» الوزير مد مدة التقدم لطلبة الثانوية 10ايام
نواتج تعلم اولى اعدادى انجليزى Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء مارس 09, 2010 2:46 pm من طرف Admin

» صرف الكادر لكل من دخل الامتحان ونجح
نواتج تعلم اولى اعدادى انجليزى Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء مارس 09, 2010 2:39 pm من طرف Admin

» خطة المؤسسة لخدمة لمجتمع المحلى
نواتج تعلم اولى اعدادى انجليزى Icon_minitimeالإثنين مارس 08, 2010 5:56 am من طرف حسن محمود

» خطة خدمة المجتمع
نواتج تعلم اولى اعدادى انجليزى Icon_minitimeالإثنين مارس 08, 2010 4:08 am من طرف استاذجيزاوى

» شكر خاص لرجل الاعمال الاستاذ محمد حتة
نواتج تعلم اولى اعدادى انجليزى Icon_minitimeالسبت مارس 06, 2010 7:03 pm من طرف استاذجيزاوى

» انجازات المدرسة
نواتج تعلم اولى اعدادى انجليزى Icon_minitimeالسبت مارس 06, 2010 11:14 am من طرف حسن محمود

التبادل الاعلاني

التبادل الاعلاني

أبريل 2024


اليومية اليومية

    نواتج تعلم اولى اعدادى انجليزى


    عدد المساهمات : 26
    نقاط : 52949
    تاريخ التسجيل : 27/10/2009

    نواتج تعلم اولى اعدادى انجليزى Empty نواتج تعلم اولى اعدادى انجليزى

    مُساهمة من طرف Admin الجمعة مارس 05, 2010 5:57 pm

    Stage: Preparatory Grade 1
    Domain 1: Listening
    Standard 1: Learners identify and discriminate sounds, stress and intonation patterns.
    ILOs / Indicators Content Teaching and Learning Strategies Learning Activities Assessment Evidences
    identify contrastive
    sounds between Arabic and English. Unit 5
    Lesson 1 Pair work Listen to the tape and repeat the sounds Ask ss to repeat some sounds and say some words that contain the sounds Patterns of the oral work
    understand that different
    intonation patterns
    convey different
    meanings. Unit 5
    Lesson 5 Discussion
    Pair work Teacher train students to use the right intonation patterns and differentiate between words in meaning Teachers give examples of words that can be different and ask students to show the difference Patterns of the sheets that contain the different words
    identify different
    positions of stress in
    words and junctures
    across words. W.B unit 18 EX. 1 p:18 Group work Repeating the words and identifying the strong syllable Teachers gives the students a paper containing some words and asks them to tick the strong syllable Patterns of the work sheet
    Preparation notebook
    Domain 1: Listening
    Standard 2: Learners listen and respond to spoken discourse from a variety of sources
    ILOs / Indicators Content Teaching and Learning Strategies Learning Activities Assessment Evidences
    Complete various types
    of listening
    comprehension tasks
    based on information
    given in pictures, short
    stories and descriptions. Unit 1 lesson 1
    Unit 3 lesson 3
    Unit 4 lesson
    Unit 5 lesson 1
    Revision C p:51
    Unit 15 lesson 2 Group work
    Discusssion Students listen to the text and complete the sentences Students complete the sentences in a correct way according to what they listened to Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Follow three to four step oral instructions. Unit 2 lesson 2
    Unit 2 lesson 4
    Unit 3 lesson 3 – 4
    Unit 4 lesson 1
    Unit 8 lesson 1\2 /3 Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Students listen to the text and follow the steps to perform various tasks Students listen carefully , then read , say and understand Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Respond to different wh type
    questions requiring
    long and short answers. Unit 9 lesson 3unit 15 lesson 4
    Revision E p: 17 Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Students listen to a text , then answer various questions Answering the questions correctly Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Identify gist/ main
    idea(s), and supporting
    details in a simple
    listening text. Unit 9 lesson 3 / 4
    Unit 10 lesson 4
    Unit 12 lesson 1
    Unit13 lesson
    Unit 15 lesson 4 Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Students listen to a text from the tape or the teacher , then they try to understand and guess the main idea(s) Teacher asks students about the main idea and some details about the text Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Take notes from various
    listening texts. Workbook Revision E p:11
    Unit 17 workbook p:16
    Group work
    Pair work. Students listen to a text , then take some notes about what they have understood from the text Teachers evaluate the notes that students took from the text Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    React to a listening text
    (giving opinion). Unit 23 workbook p:38 Discussion
    Group work.
    Pair work Students listen to a text , then Say his/her opinion or choose the best answer Teachers evaluate the answers of the students. Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Domain 1: Listening
    Standard 3:
    Learners use Information and Communication Technology(ICT) to help achieve the learning outcomes in listening
    ILOs / Indicators Content Teaching and Learning Strategies Learning Activities Assessment Evidences
    Follow instructions to
    complete multi step e-tasks Unit 3 lesson 4
    Revision A p: 17
    Unit 4 lesson 4
    Unit 7 lesson 3 Group work
    Pair work Students use the technology recourses
    To enhance listening skill and give information Teachers evaluate the students’ use of technology to enhance their language learning Patterns of the tasks that student have done using (ICT)
    Summarize information
    based on an e - listening
    text. Unit 10 lesson 3
    Unit 14 Lesson 2
    Unit 15 Lesson 3 / Unit 16 Lesson
    Unit 18 Lesson 2
    Group work
    Pair work
    Discussion Student listen to a text , then try to summarize what they have understood from the text and answer questions to show their understanding Teachers evaluate what students have done in their tasks. Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Identify main ideas and
    supporting details from a variety of media
    sources. Unit 21 Lesson 2 /3
    Unit 22 lesson 2
    Unit 23 Lesson 3Unit 24 Lesson 2 Group work
    Pair work
    Discussion Students listen to a text through the Computer lab , then they try to identify the main ideas and the detailed ideas. Teachers evaluate the answers of the students through quick checking Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class

    Domain 1: Listening
    Standard 4: Learners gain knowledge and understanding of target cultures through listening.

    ILOs / Indicators Content Teaching and Learning Strategies Learning Activities Assessment Evidences
    understanding and
    enjoyment of patterns of
    social interactions from
    various English speaking
    cultures. Unit 1 Lesson 1
    Unit 2 Lesson 1 / 4Unit 3 Lesson 1
    Unit 10 Lesson 1
    Unit 14 Lesson 4Unit 20 Lesson 1 / 2 Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Students listen to texts , then they show understanding and enjoyment of the patterns they listen to. Teachers evaluate the understanding of the students through asking questions and getting answers. Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Understand verbal and
    non-verbal social conventions that
    characterize the English
    speaking culture. Unit 2 Lesson 1
    unit 3 Lesson 2
    Revision A p:17
    Group work
    Pair work Students listen to various types of texts (verbal and non – verbal) , then they try to understand them Teachers check understanding by asking the students questions and checking the answering. Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Identify the similarities
    and differences between
    the values, beliefs and
    practices of both the
    national and target
    cultures. Unit 7 Lesson 1
    Unit 20 Lesson 1 / 2 Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Students listen to texts that enable them to compare between their own culture and the target culture and und understand the similarities
    and differences between
    the values, beliefs and
    practices of both the
    national and target
    cultures. Teachers allow students to listen to texts about this topic and ask them about the similarities and differences between their own culture and the target culture Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class

    Domain 1: Listening
    Standard 5: Learners practice higher level thinking skills while listening.
    ILOs / Indicators Content Teaching and Learning Strategies Learning Activities Assessment Evidences
    Make predictions and
    generalizations of various
    listening texts. Unit 3 Lesson 3 / 6
    Unit 4 Lesson 3
    Unit 5 Lesson 4Unit 8 lesson 1 / 2 Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Students listen to text , then they try to predict what will happen next Teachers check understanding by asking questions like “What do you think will happen next?” Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Draw inferences and
    conclusions related to
    various listening texts. Unit 9 Lesson 3
    Unit 18 W.B p: 20
    Group work
    Pair work Students listen to a text , then they deduce what the conclusion is Teachers check understanding by asking questions about the conclusion of the text Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Analyze information to
    determine relevancy of
    main ideas to supporting
    details. Unit 3 Lesson 4
    Unit 5 lesson 4 Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Student listen to a text , then they try to relate the main idea to the supporting details. Teachers check understanding by asking questions about the main idea and the details. Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Interpret the content of
    various listening texts. All the listening texts in the course Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Students are asked to interpret the texts they listen to in order to be able to understand these texts Teachers check understanding by asking general questions about the texts Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Domain 2: Speaking
    Standard 1: Learners use English to communicate effectively in oral interactions.
    ILOs / Indicators Content Teaching and Learning Strategies Learning Activities Assessment Evidences
    Express grade appropriate
    functions e.g., suggesting,
    inviting, apologizing,
    offering, requesting,
    agreeing/disagreeing and
    Unit 6 Lesson 4

    Unit 10

    Unit 12
    Pair work
    Discussion Students in these lessons practice inviting, accepting , refusing , asking the way, offering and requesting Teachers check the ability of the students to interact with other people in the daily needs of life Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    use different intonation
    patterns that convey
    different meanings. Unit 5 p: 27
    Unit 6 P: 32
    Unit 13 P: 5 Group work
    Pair work Teachers teach student to use different intonation patterns to convey different meanings Teachers check understanding by asking student to use these patterns correctly Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Use appropriate nonverbal
    forms of
    communication. Unit 6 Lesson 4 p:31
    Unit 7 Lesson 1
    Unit 16 Lesson 2 Group work
    Pair work Student are taught to use the different non-verbal means of communications like E-mails , the internet magazines and The internet world pen friend club Teachers ask students to their e-mail addresses to communicate with each other , with their teachers and other people from all over the world. Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Ask for clarification or
    verification of
    information from peers
    and others. Unit 2 P: 10
    Revision C p: 50Unit 15 lesson 2 Group work
    Pair work Students ask peers or teachers to clarify information Teachers check understanding of these patterns and ask students to use them Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class

    Domain 2: Speaking
    Standard 2: Learners present information, ideas and express feelings clearly and coherently
    ILOs / Indicators Content Teaching and Learning Strategies Learning Activities Assessment Evidences
    Express facts, points of
    views and personal
    preferences Unit 3 Lesson 2
    Unit 9 Lesson 2
    Unit 10 Lesson 1 \ 4
    Unit 13 Lesson 1\2 Group work
    Pair work Students are asked to express their feelings and personal preferences clearly Teachers check understanding by asking students what they like or don’t like Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Express and justify opinions. Unit 8 Lesson 1\2
    Units 10\13
    Revision F p: 34 Group work
    Pair work Oral dialogues between students and teachers in which students express their opinions clearly Teachers check the ability of students to express their opinions and guide them to the correct way Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Explain orally non verbal
    texts e.g., tables, charts
    and graphs. Unit s 1\3\4\5\6\17
    Revision A Group work
    Pair work Students are given non-verbal texts and asked to explain the information in them Teachers check understanding by checking the answers Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Talk about familiar topics
    in the present, past and
    future tenses. Unit 5 Group work
    Pair work Students are asked to talk about their ability to do things in the past , present and in the future Teachers check the ability of student to express themselves I the past , present and future Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Domain 2: Speaking
    Standard 3: Learners use ICT to develop accurate and appropriate speech.
    ILOs / Indicators Content Teaching and Learning Strategies Learning Activities Assessment Evidences
    Use various media
    sources in oral
    communications. Unit 6
    Computer lab lessons Group work
    Pair work Students are asked to use the internet to speak with people from all over the world Teachers check the progress of the students in this topic Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Use media facilities (e.g.
    overhead projector, data
    show, video projector…)
    to present simple
    information to the whole
    class. Al the lessons that need these facilities Group work Teachers introduce the material using the technological means in the multi –media lab Teachers check understanding through asking questions and take answers from the students Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Discuss a speaker’s main
    ideas and supporting
    details in a variety of
    media. All the lessons of the computer lab in the course Group work
    Pair work Through the multi- media room , teachers s teach students how to discuss the main idea with the speaker using the internet Teachers check the progress of the students in this topic Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Domain 2: Speaking
    Standard 4: Learners understand the practices and values of both national and target cultures.
    ILOs / Indicators Content Teaching and Learning Strategies Learning Activities Assessment Evidences
    Participate in age appropriate
    activities. All over the course Group work
    Teachers encourage students to take part in the cultural activities inside and outside the school Teachers evaluate the cultural work of the students Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Patterns of the cultural work of the students
    Describe orally cultural
    practices in the target
    countries and their own
    and discuss their
    importance, such as
    school life, weekend
    activities, festivals and vacations. Unit 16 Group work
    Pair work Teachers ask students to talk about the of their pen friends and their own life Teachers check the progress of students in this topic Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Patterns of the cultural work of the students
    Use culturally appropriate
    responses in diverse
    Throughout the course Group work
    Teachers ask students to respond culturally to their friends Teachers check the progress of students in this topic Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Patterns of the cultural work of the students

    Domain 2: Speaking
    Standard 5: Learners practice higher level thinking skills while speaking.
    ILOs / Indicators Content Teaching and Learning Strategies Learning Activities Assessment Evidences
    Participate in debates on
    topics of personal interest. Unit 13
    Unit 1
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers ask students to make debates among them about personal interests Teachers watch and control the dialogues , then correct if there are any mistakes Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Patterns of the cultural work of the students
    Explain, analyze and
    critique information from
    a variety of sources. Unit 5 Lesson 3\4
    Unit 6 Lesson 3
    Unit 9 Lesson 3
    Unit 14 Lesson 3 Group work
    Pair work Teachers ask students to explain the information in the text from their point of view Teachers check the understanding of the students of this topic Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Patterns of the cultural work of the students
    Negotiate solutions to
    problems, interpersonal
    Throughout the whole course Group work
    Pair work Teachers encourage students to reveal any interpersonal misunderstanding Teachers evaluate the work and dialogues among students Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Patterns of the cultural work of the students
    Ask and respond to
    reflective questions that
    connect new ideas to
    personal experience. Unit 1 Lesson 1
    Unit 2 Lesson 1
    Unit 5 Lesson 2
    Revision E P : 16 Group work
    Pair work Students ask questions that connect between new ideas and personal experiences Teachers check the questions and correct the mistakes Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Patterns of the cultural work of the students
    \Domain 3: Reading
    Standard 1: Learners construct meaning from written texts.
    ILOs / Indicators Content Teaching and Learning Strategies Learning Activities Assessment Evidences
    Identify characters,
    settings, and important
    events Units 2, 4, 5,6,7,10 ,12,13,15,16,18,19,20,
    2123 Group work
    Students are asked to read texts to identify the characters and the main events in these texts Teachers check understanding through the answers of the questions Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class

    Respond to open-ended
    comprehension questions
    on a variety of reading
    texts. Unit 2 Lesson 3
    Unit 5 Lesson 3
    UNIT 6 Lesson 3Unit 7 L 1 – U: 13 L: 1
    U 20 L 1 – U 21 L 2
    Group work
    Pair work Students are asked to read a text , then answer different types of questions that check understanding Teachers check the answers and correct the mistakes Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class

    Interpret non-verbal
    reading texts (tables,
    illustrations, charts, maps
    and signs).
    U 5 L 2 \ U 21 L 1
    U 17 L 3 \ 45 Group work
    Pair work Students are asked to understand and interpret information from non-verbal texts Teachers check the answers and correct the mistakes Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class

    Skim complex text for
    general meaning or to
    determine subject matter
    or organization. Unit 13 Lesson 3
    Revision E P: 17
    Unit 18 Lesson 2
    Unit 20 Lesson 4 Group work
    Pair work Students are asked to skim a text for the general meaning Teachers check the various answer of the students and correct the mistakes Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class

    Identify meanings of
    common signs, symbols
    and abbreviations. Unit 17
    Group work
    Pair work Students are given the signs of the directions Teachers ask students about the meaning of these signs and abbreviations Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class

    Demonstrate independent
    reading for pleasure. WB P: 19 Group work
    Pair work Teachers encourage students to read independently to enjoy themselves whether throughout the course or from various sources . Teachers check if students practice free reading or not Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class

    Domain 3: Reading
    Standard 2: Learners develop cognitive/meta-cognitive strategies to facilitate reading

    ILOs / Indicators Content Teaching and Learning Strategies Learning Activities Assessment Evidences
    Skim and scan long written texts. Unit 5 Lesson 3
    Unit 6 Lesson 3 Group work
    Students are asked to read long texts and understand them Teachers check understanding through asking questions and check them Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class

    Make predictions while
    reading short texts and
    stories. Unit 13 Lesson 3 \ 4 Group work
    Pair work Students are asked to predict what will happen at the end of a story they read Teachers check understanding by asking questions Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class

    Use background
    knowledge to interpret
    long reading texts Unit 2 Lesson 3
    Unit 4 Lesson 4
    Unit 10 Lesson 2
    Unit 11 Lesson 3 Group work
    Pair work Students use their background information to understand and interpret reading texts Teachers encourage students to use their past information to interpret texts Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class

    Monitor understanding
    while reading long texts. U:12 L:2 \ U:13L:4
    U:15L:3 Group work
    Pair work Teachers monitor understanding while students are reading long reading texts Asking questions that show understanding Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class

    Generate and answer
    questions before, during
    and after reading long
    texts. U:17 L:2 \ U:18 L:4
    U:19 L:2 Group work
    Pair work Teachers allow and encourage students to generate and ask questions during, before and after reading long texts Evaluate the questions of the students Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class

    organizers to facilitate
    understanding of various
    types of reading texts The whole lessons of the course contain reading texts Group work
    Pair work Teachers organize reading texts beginning with quick and silent reading , then slow reading with complete understanding Teacher check understanding Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class

    Domain 3: Reading
    Standard 3: Learners use ICT to achieve the learning outcomes in reading.
    ILOs / Indicators Content Teaching and Learning Strategies Learning Activities Assessment Evidences
    Access age-appropriate
    information from various
    electronic sources. U:2 L:3U: L:4 U:5 L:3
    U:7 L:1 U:8 L:4U:15 L:3 – U:16 L:2 – U:17 L:2 - U:18 L:2 Discussion
    Group work Teachers Pinpoint some useful websites for the learners to use for reading and ask them to write a report about what they have already read Teachers Evaluate the reading to develop the skill of reading Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class

    Use information on the
    Internet to aid in reading assignments U:20 L:3 \4 Discussion
    Group work Teachers encourage students to use the information on the internet to get information about the text that they give the students to read and get information about it from the internet Teachers check the use of the internet by the learners List of the websites that can be very useful for the learners
    Identify two electronic
    resources and use them to answer a question or
    solve a problem.
    The whole course Group work
    Free work Teachers pinpoint some problems in the language or in the society that can be solved through the internet or any other electronic resources Teachers check and discuss the solutions that student got from the internet Patterns of the problems and the solutions
    Domain 3: Reading
    Standard 4:
    Learners understand the practices and values of both national and target cultures through various text types.
    ILOs / Indicators Content Teaching and Learning Strategies Learning Activities Assessment Evidences
    Read with understanding
    about the values and practices of both national
    and target cultures. Unit 3 – Unit 5
    Unit 7Unit 18 Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers read with students these texts and explain them to make students gain values from their own cultures and the target cultures Teachers watch the behavior of the students and encourage them to gain positive behavior Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class

    Read about widely known
    contributions from the
    national culture. Unit 4 Lesson 4
    Unit 15 Lesson 3
    Unit 21 Lesson 3 Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers read with students to read texts that contributed greatly in the national culture Teachers check understanding and values from the reading Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class

    Compare and contrast
    different literary genres
    from both target culture
    and their own culture. Unit 2 Lesson 1
    Unit 5 Lesson 1 Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers read with students rhymes in English and compare them with the Arabic songs Teachers check understanding of the rhymes Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class

    Domain 3: Reading
    Standard 5: Learners practice higher level thinking skills while reading
    ILOs / Indicators Content Teaching and Learning Strategies Learning Activities Assessment Evidences
    Deduce meaning from a
    long reading text. Unit 5 Lesson 3
    Unit 9 Lesson 2
    Unit 13 Lesson 3
    Unit 15 Lesson 3 Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers read with students and ask them to deduce meanings of some new words from understanding the text Teachers check understanding by checking the meaning of the new words Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class

    Draw conclusions about
    context, events,
    characters and setting
    from written texts. Unit 2 Lessons 3 \ 4
    Unit 3 Lesson 1 \ 3
    Unit 13 Lessons 3 \ 4 Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers read texts with students and ask them to draw conclusions about the end or the characters of the text Teachers check understanding by asking questions that show understanding Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class

    Read critically to
    interpret and evaluate the
    content of long reading texts. Unit 15 Lesson 3
    Revision E P:17
    Unit 16 Lesson 2
    Unit 18 Lesson 4Unit 20 Lessons 3\4 Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers ask students to read and criticize the texts Teachers check understanding and the development of the skill of criticizing texts and evaluating them Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class

    Make predictions about
    upcoming information in
    long reading texts. Unit 23
    Unit 24 Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers read stories with learners and ask them to predict what will happen next Teachers check understanding from evaluating the predictions they made Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class

    Differentiate between
    facts and opinion in a
    reading text. Unit 4 Lesson 4 \ U:5L:3 \ U:7LL:1 Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers read different texts with learners and ask them if that text is about facts or opinions Teachers check understanding by asking questions if that text is fact or opinion Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class

    Domain 4: Writing
    Standard 1:
    Learners write for a variety of audiences, purposes and in various forms to communicate meaning, ideas and emotions.
    ILOs / Indicators Content Teaching and Learning Strategies Learning Activities Assessment Evidences
    Express facts, ideas,
    opinions, and attitudes in
    meaningful sentences. WB P: 4 -5 -6- 9 – 11 -12 – 13 Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers ask learners to write sentences based on certain topics Teachers check the progress of the skill of writing by checking the sentences that learners have written Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Patterns of the writings of the learners

    Fill in forms and
    applications. Unit 1 Lesson 2
    Unit 3 Lesson 2
    Revision A
    Unit 4 Lesson 1 – 3
    Unit 5 Lesson 1 Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers ask student to fill in forms and applications based on texts they read or listen to Teachers check the data that learners filled in Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Patterns of the writings of the learners

    Compose meaningful
    texts applying knowledge
    of grammar and usage. Unit 4
    Unit 5 WB P:16 – 17 Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers ask students to write three meaningful sentences using the grammar rules correctly Teachers check the writings of the students Student books
    Preparation notebooks
    Photos of the group work in the class
    Patterns of the writings of the learners

    Write in different forms
    i.e. lists, short notes and
    invitation cards, diaries
    and logs to express their
    ideas, opinions and
    attitudes in meaningful
    sentences. Unit 6 Lesson 4
    The whole course Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers ask students to write invitation cards and notes in meaningful sentences Teachers check the writings of the students Patterns of the writings of the students
    Write short narratives
    about themselves, their
    family, friends, teachers,
    etc. Unit 1
    Unit 3 Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers ask learners to write sentences in a correct way about themselves, their families, their teachers and friends Teachers check the writings of the students and correct the mistakes Patterns of the writings of the learners

    Domain 4: Writing
    Standard 2: Learners develop writing processes to enhance their written products.
    ILOs / Indicators Content Teaching and Learning Strategies Learning Activities Assessment Evidences
    Compose simple and
    compound sentences with
    correct subject and verb
    agreement independently. Unit 3
    Unit 15
    Unit 7
    Unit 8
    Unit 1`7 Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers ask students to write meaningful and grammatically correct sentences in which the verb goes correctly with the subject Teachers check the writings of the students and correct the mistakes Patterns of the writings of the students
    Use visuals to generate
    ideas for writing e.g.,
    word webs, Venn
    diagrams and simple
    outlines. Unit 3 P:15
    Unit 8 P:4
    WB P: 21
    Re3vision H P:43 Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers ask students to use visuals to generate ideas for writing Teachers check the writings of the students Student book
    Patterns of the writings of the learners
    Develop a simple
    paragraph using
    appropriate cohesive
    devices and transitions WB P: 47|29 \ 24 \ 20 Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers ask students to write a simple paragraph Teachers check the writings of the students Student book
    Patterns of the writings of the learners
    Practice self and peer editing
    to improve
    writing e.g., spelling,
    subject/verb agreement
    and verb tense). The whole course
    In the lessons that include writing skill Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers ask students to write a simple paragraph and exchange the writings to evaluate the writings of each other Teachers guide the process of checking Student book
    Patterns of the writings of the learners
    Use a strategy to generate
    ideas for writing e.g.,
    brainstorming and mind
    mapping. In the lessons that develop the skill of writing Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers create a situation and ask students to write sentences Teachers check the work of the students and correct them Student book
    Patterns of the writings of the learners
    Domain 4: Writing
    Standard 3: Learners translate from English into Arabic and vice versa.
    ILOs / Indicators Content Teaching and Learning Strategies Learning Activities Assessment Evidences
    Not assessed at this key

    Domain 4: Writing
    Standard 4: Learners use ICT to achieve the learning outcomes in writing
    ILOs / Indicators Content Teaching and Learning Strategies Learning Activities Assessment Evidences
    Reply to e-mail messages. Unit 6 Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers encourage students to write and respond to e-mail messages Teachers check the e-mails of the students and correct the mistakes Patterns of the e-mails of the students
    Develop power point
    presentation of
    appropriate length. In the lessons that need power point work Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers ask students to develop power point presentations with the help of the teachers of the computer Teachers check the work of the students and correct the mistakes Patterns of the presentations of the learners
    Use technology-based
    tools in writing and
    editing (e.g., electronic
    dictionaries, spell and
    grammar checks). In the lessons that need that Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers encourage students to use the electronic dictionaries and programs that improve the language learning Teachers check the work of the students Patterns of the work of the students
    Use graphs and charts, to
    communicate data
    accurately and
    appropriately. Unit 2 Lesson 1
    Revision A P: 16
    Unit 6 Lesson 2 Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers ask students to use the data given in the graphs and charts to communicate data correctly Teachers check the work of the students and correct the mistakes Student book
    Patterns of the writings of the learners

    Domain 4: Writing
    Standard 5:
    Learners demonstrate awareness of the practices and values of both national and target cultures while writing.

    ILOs / Indicators Content Teaching and Learning Strategies Learning Activities Assessment Evidences
    Write about the
    similarities of both
    national and target
    cultures. Not found in this grade
    Write about human
    contributions from
    national culture. Not found in this grade
    Write a short description
    of an important cultural
    value. Not found in this grade
    Write reflectively on
    common beliefs and
    attitudes of the national
    culture. Not found in this grade

    Domain 4: Writing
    Standard 6: Learners practice higher level thinking skills while writing.
    ILOs / Indicators Content Teaching and Learning Strategies Learning Activities Assessment Evidences
    Design a variety of grade-appropriate
    visuals such
    as posters, slogans and
    advertisements Unit 6
    Unit 9
    Unit 10 Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers ask students to design posters and advertisements based on materials in the course Teachers check the work of the students and correct the mistakes Patterns of the work of the students
    Use grade-appropriate
    tools to evaluate self ,
    peers and groups’ writing WB PP. 1 – 5 -6 -0 9 – 11 – 12 – 14 Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers make groups to evaluate the work of the students in a group work Teachers check the work of the students and correct the mistakes Patterns of the work of the students
    Create a variety of
    writing texts such as
    poems, short stories, short
    plays …etc. Unit 7
    Unit 3
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers encourage students to write poems and short stories Teachers check the writings of the students and correct the mistakes Patterns of the work of the students
    Domain 5: Vocabulary and Structure
    Standard 1: Learners develop vocabulary through a variety of ways.
    ILOs / Indicators Content Teaching and Learning Strategies Learning Activities Assessment Evidences
    Use grade-appropriate
    dictionaries for checking
    vocabulary meaning and
    parts of speech. Hello dictionary Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers ask students to use the suitable dictionaries for this stage to look up the new words Teachers check the work of the students and correct the mistakes Teachers’ preparation notebook
    Patterns of the work of the students
    Develop a personal
    vocabulary dictionary The whole course Discussion
    Group work
    Pair work Teachers encourage students to make their own personal vocabulary dictionary Teachers check the dictionaries and correct the mistakes Patterns of the dictionaries of the learners
    Guess meaning of new
    words from context
    Use and explain
    antonyms and synonyms
    of abstract words.
    Domain 5: Vocabulary and Structure
    Standard 2: Learners use morphology and lexicon accurately and appropriately.

    ILOs / Indicators Content Teaching and Learning Strategies Learning Activities Assessment Evidences
    Use prefixes, and suffixes
    to infer word meanings
    Use prefixes, and suffixes
    to infer word meanings
    Use appropriate
    vocabulary to describe places, people, events and
    Domain 5: Vocabulary and Structure
    Standard 3: Learners use syntax to communicate meaning accurately and appropriately
    ILOs / Indicators Content Teaching and Learning Strategies Learning Activities Assessment Evidences
    Identify and use
    compound sentence
    patterns (affirmative,
    negative, interrogative
    Use functional words
    Use correct sentence
    word order.
    Use simple and complex
    grammatical structures to
    communicate meaning
    Vary sentence structures
    according to the
    Domain 5: Vocabulary and Structure
    Standard 4: Learners use ICT to achieve the learning outcomes in vocabulary and structure.

    ILOs / Indicators Content Teaching and Learning Strategies Learning Activities Assessment Evidences
    Use technology resources
    (internet, electronic
    dictionaries, thesauri) to
    locate and identify the
    meaning of new words.
    Use technology resources
    (internet, electronic
    dictionaries, and
    thesaurus) to check the
    pronunciation of words
    Use technology resources
    (internet, electronic
    dictionaries, and thesaurus) to practice
    language structures.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الخميس أبريل 18, 2024 9:57 pm